This makes it convenient for players who want to try different options without replaying the full series, or who want to prepare several different canon options for Dragon Age 4. Instead, PC players can use a mod to download their updated World State to their most recent save, and the game will reflect their changes. What players may not know, however, is that they do not need to start a new run of Dragon Age: Inquisition to update their World State and play using this new one. Related: Dragon Age Theory: DA4 Will Take Place in Tevinterįor a player's decisions from Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2 to appear and alter the plot of Inquisition, players will need to sign into the Keep and input their decisions from those games. Players can save up to ten new World States in the Keep for future use. Throughout the series, players have taken the role of a Grey Warden fighting the Blight and an Archdemon, a Ferelden refugee named Hawke who becomes the Champion of the city of Kirkwall, and the Herald of Andraste and Inquisitor looking to restore peace to Southern Thedas. These characters and their companions make appearances and play roles in other stories in the series, and decisions a player made in Origins can cause trouble in Inquisition, or in the upcoming Dragon Age 4 game, if the player wants them to. Like other BioWare franchises, Dragon Age fans can create a single, continuous canon across games that will affect what happens in each subsequent installment.

Players can create a custom World State that reflects their major decisions across the Dragon Age games through the Dragon Age Keep.